UC Minerals Shop

Calcite replacing Busycon (Whelk) shell

Original price was: $150.00.Current price is: $135.00.

Specimen # 104800

Specimen Locality: Anastasia Formation, Pleistocene Epoch, St. Lucie County, Florida

Mineral Description: This is a cast of a Busycon sp. (“Whelk”) shell that comes from a pit nearby the Ruck’s Shell pit where the Mercenaria (Clams) are found. The shell partially filled with mud and sand and allowed for calcite to deposit where there was a void space in the shell. This particular specimen contains a recrystallized “cat’s eye” shell along the back side that you might be able to see in the third photo. Most of the shell has dissolved away on this specimen. The calcites fluoresce and phosphoresce pale greenish yellow in both SW and LW light. Height: 10 Width: 8 Depth: 4 cm


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